A. U. Chaudhari

Assistant Professor

Subjects Taught

Data Communication, Web Engineering, Data Communication and Networking, Embedded System

Faculty Details

Qualification: M.Tech CSE

Teaching Experience: 5 Years

Industrial Experience: 1 Years

Area of Interest: Robotics, Networking

Papers Published: National :1, International : 4


Contact: E-mail :auchaudhari@mitra.ac.in Mob. No. : 9021117416

Paper Published

Sr.NoPaper NamePaper Link
1Stealthier Attack on Zone Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor NetworkClick Here
2Zone Routing Protocol Affected By Sinkhole AttackClick Here
3Blog Share And FilterClick Here


Sr.NoPortfolio NameStart dateEnd date
1Department NBA Co-Ordinator2015-08-13Till End of Session 2015-2016
2Wall Magazine2015-08-13Till End of Session 2015-2016
3Departmental Medical / First Aid2015-08-13Till End of Session 2015-2016
4Departmental Free Elective Coordinator2015-08-13Till End of Session 2015-2016
5Student Guardian Scheme2015-08-13Till End of Session 2015-2016
6Internal Class Test Coordinator2015-08-13Till End of Session 2015-2016
7Python Spoken Tutorial2017-07-01Till the end of the session
8Workshop on Introduction to Robotic Kit with Firebird V2017-06-291/07/2017
9Introduction to the Robotic Kits- firebird V2017-09-2627/09/2017

Course Material

Courses Material Link
Not Available!
Document NameActions
 Data Communication
 Embedded System
 Web Engineering
 Web Engineerring

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