A. V. Deshmukh


Subjects Taught

Management Information System -SEM I , Managerial Skill Development -SEM I,Research Methodology -SEM II , Marketing Management -SEM II , Advertising Management -SEM III , Consumer Behaviours -SEM III, Strategic Management -SEM IV , Rural Marketing -SEM IV

Faculty Details

Qualification: B.E. ( Mechanical ) ,MBA, M.E. ( Pursuing ) SAP (SDM)

Teaching Experience: 15 Years

Industrial Experience: 10 Years

Area of Interest: Academics,Market Research consultancy,sales & Marketing training

Papers Published: National :5, International : 8

Teaching: Department of Management studies ( M.B.A.)

Contact: E-mail :avdeshmukh@mitra.ac.in Mob. No. : 9370334311

Paper Published

Sr.NoPaper NamePaper Link
1Employee training & development process-A tool for sustainable organizational growthClick Here
2Institutional quality assurance through NBA & NAAC AccreditationClick Here
3"Business lessons for Starts Ups"A colloqiium organised by Department of Business admn & Mgt, SGBAu, AmravatiClick Here
4Participated in National conference on globalization & Indian Economy Policy: present scenarioClick Here
5Participated in UGC sponsored state level commerce seminar on " Expected changes in commerce Education for employment generation in context of Development , Seminar organised by Shri ShiVaji Art& Commerce College & MIDC AmravatiClick Here
6UGC Sponsored A two days state level seminar on "Commerce Education and it''s impact on interdisciplinary sectors in current scenario" Organized by Nehru College , Nerparsopant, YavatmalClick Here
7A study of brand awareness& Brand Preferences for soap & toiletries’ products amongst Rural Customer In Amravati RegionClick Here
8A study of customer perception about on line food ordering services in Amravati CityClick Here


Sr.NoPortfolio NameStart dateEnd date
1Head Of Department2016-07-14Till Date
2Working as Departmental T & P coordinator for MBA Department2009-09-0731/03/2012
3Worked as Registration Coordinator for Techno-Know Experts Held at Institute2010-01-2531/03/2017
4Worked as Departmental Academic coordinator for MBA Department2012-07-0131/05/2016
5Appointed on a panel as a member in moderation committee for Department of Commerce for Management (UG & PG) SGBA University, Amravati2012-10-1731/03/2019
6Appointed on a panel as a member for Syllabus restructuring of MBA syllabus SGBA University, Amravati2013-10-2527/12/2013
7Panel Member of framing the syllabus of Diploma in Business Management at SGBAU , Amravati2013-07-1031/03/2014
8Member , Local Enquiry committee appointed by SGBAU, Amravati for continuation of Affiliation MBA for management institute2017-01-0202/01/2017
9Member- For syllabus framing of Retail Management for Lifelong extension, Dept of SGBAU ,Amravati2018-08-01Till Date

Course Material

Courses Material Link
Not Available!
Document NameActions
 Agriculture Marketing.docx
 Even Semester-SEM II.doc
 Even Semester-SEM IV.doc
 Even Semester.doc
 SEM I.doc
 Syllabus-Advertising Management.doc

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