When adding products to your  WooCommerce store, they will be assigned specific product data.

Here are the four default types of WooCommerce products .

  • simple product
  • grouped product
  • external/affiliate product
  • variable product

The Product Types

When adding a product, you will have the choice of these different options.

Simple Product
This is a single physical product that has no variations.

Simple Product Virtual
An example of this would be a service, such as hourly consulting.

Simple Product Downloadable
This is both virtual and downloadable, such as an ebook or a music file.

Grouped Product
A collection of products that are related but can be purchased separately. An example would be different models of the iMac from Apple.

External/Affiliate Product
A product your will add to your store but buyers will be sent to another site to purchase it. Affiliates work well or products you may make a commission on.

Variable Product
Some products will have different variations and multiple images. For example a t-shirt, that comes in different sizes and colors, with different prices.

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