Sanket A. Nirmal

Assistant Professor

Subjects Taught

Communication Engineering-I, Communication Engineering-II ,Microprocessor, Electric Drives & Measurement, Electromagnetic Field , Environmental science , Satellite communication , Ultra High Frequency & Microwave, BEDC

Faculty Details

Qualification: M.Tech (Embedded system & VLSID)

Teaching Experience: 5 Years

Industrial Experience: 0 Years

Area of Interest: communication, Microcontroller , EMF , Microprocessor

Papers Published: National :0, International : 5

Teaching: Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.

Contact: E-mail, Mob. No. : 8087348446

Paper Published

Sr.NoPaper NamePaper Link
1Real Time Automatic Black Board Eraser using Embedded SystemClick Here
2A Litertaure Review on diffrent model for vehicle and human trackingClick Here
3Design & Implementation of tracking systemClick Here
4Location Based Industrial Monitoring & system using 3G wireless technologyClick Here
5Hand Gesture controlled Robot using Xbee Module (ICSTSD Conference PRMITR)Click Here


Sr.NoPortfolio NameStart dateEnd date
1ERP Incharge2016-06-152016-05-30
2Teacher Guardinan Scheme morning shift2016-07-01Till date
3Class teacher final year C2016-06-15till date
4ISTC PUNE MOU2016-07-0110/03/2017
5Coordinator of circuit experts event2017-02-2527/03/2017
6Lab In charge communication Engg lab2016-06-15Till date
7NBA Student Support System2016-08-25Till date

Course Material

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