Dr. S. P. Kulkarni

Associate Professor

Subjects Taught

Engineering Drawing, Manufacturing Processes-I ,Manufacturing Processes-II, W/S-I, W/S-II/// PG --Advanced Metal Cutting and Welding Technology

Faculty Details

Qualification: Ph.D, M.E., B.E, B.Sc.

Teaching Experience: 24 Years

Industrial Experience: 5 Years

Area of Interest: Manufacturing Process , Ergonomics

Papers Published: National :13, International : 4

Teaching: Department of First Year Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Workshop

Contact: E-mail :spk.badnera@gmail.com Mob. No. : 9823208161

Paper Published

Sr.NoPaper NamePaper Link
1Productivity improvement in small scale industry by using paper entitled tool.Click Here
2Review Study of Productivity Improvement in Small Scale IndustriesClick Here
3Rapid Prototype new horizon for foundry industry.Click Here
4Non Use of Ergonomically Designed Furniture effects sports activities of students [Players]Click Here
5Implementation of TQM in PolytechniqueClick Here
6Productivity Improvement in Small Scale IndustriesClick Here
7Rapid Prototype in Patern MakingClick Here
8Musculoskeletal disorder due to non-use of ergonomics furniture in educational institutions: Ergonomics Design ConsiderationClick Here
9Ergonomics-an Overview and its application in Engineering Product DesignClick Here
10Some Preferred features and specifications of classroom chair for School and colleges based on ErgonomicsClick Here
11“Non-use of ergonomics furniture in educational institutes and Musculoskeletal disorder”Click Here
12“Cost Effective inventions for Reduction of Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) in Workplaces equipped with ergonomics furniture and Work stations”Click Here
13Implementation of TQM in Poly. TechClick Here
14Re Engg. andd Bech marking through TQM in PolyClick Here
15Rapid Prototype new horizon for foundry industry,Click Here
16Implementation of TQM in PolytechniqueClick Here
17Productivety Improvement in Small Scale IndustryClick Here


Sr.NoPortfolio NameStart dateEnd date
1Head of the Department2015-05-07Till Date
2Dean Development2008-04-0930/03/2012
3Assistant Superintendent Workshop1992-10-0720/08/2010
4Discipline Committee Member1994-10-07Till Date
5Member of Anti-ragging Squad1996-07-03Till Date
6Center Incharge Pollution Control Center1993-06-1630/07/1996
7AICTE Work Coordinator1994-02-032002
8Admission Incharge2014-04-21Till Date

Course Material

Courses Material Link
Not Available!
Document NameActions
 I-_UNIT-_CURVES Engineering Drawing.pdf
 Intro to Drawing.pdf
 Isometric projection-pkghosh Refrenece from IIT G.pdf

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