P. A.Chorey

Assistant Professor
Subjects Taught
Computer Programming
Faculty Details
Qualification: M.E. (Information Technology), B.E. (I.T.)
Teaching Experience: 10 Years
Industrial Experience: 0 Years
Area of Interest: I.T., C lang.
Papers Published: National :4, International : 3
Contact: E-mail :priyankachorey@rediffmail.com Mob. No. : 9881571787
Paper Published
Sr.No | Paper Name | Paper Link |
1 | Detecting Spam Classification Twitter Using URL,Analysis,Natural Language Processing And Machine Learning | Click Here |
2 | Security-Issues-in-Data-Mitigation-and-Mining-An-Overview. | Click Here |
Sr.No | Portfolio Name | Start date | End date |
1 | Women's Grievance committee Departmental cordinator | 2015-06-15 | Till Date |
2 | NAAC Commitee Member of Department | 2015-01-02 | Till Date |
3 | Incharge of commputer programming lab | 2010-08-15 | Till Date |
4 | Subject in-charge | 2009-01-03 | 16/06/2015 |
5 | Admission committe member | 2010-09-02 | Till Date |
6 | Youth festsival Lady co-ordinator of collage | 2014-10-23 | 23/10/2014 |
7 | Passport camp committee member | 2016-03-23 | 23/03/2016 |
8 | Parents meet committee member | 2014-03-23 | Till Date |
Course Material
Courses Material Link |
Not Available! |
Document Name | Actions |