Tushar Deshmukh

Subjects Taught
Automation Engg, Production Planning and Control, Robotics, Production Technology, Ind. Mgt and Costing, Computer Aided Manufacturing(PG),
Faculty Details
Qualification: B.E., M.E., MBA, PhD
Teaching Experience: 20 Years
Industrial Experience: 2 Years
Area of Interest: Rapid Prototyping, CAM
Papers Published: National :10, International : 32
Teaching: Mechanical Engineering
Contact: E-mail :tushar.d69@gmail.com Mob. No. : 9370103044
Paper Published
Sr.No | Paper Name | Paper Link |
1 | Coding System for rapid prototyping industry | Click Here |
2 | Preplanning and simulation of surgery using rapid modeling | Click Here |
3 | Size optimization of reconstruction plate implant using finite element analysis | Click Here |
4 | Prediction of Femur Bone Geometry using Anthropometric Data of Indian Population: A Numerical Approach | Click Here |
5 | Rapid prototyping assisted fabrication of customised temporomandibular joint implant: A case report | Click Here |
6 | Design and manufacturing of customized femoral stems for the Indian population using rapid manufacturing: a finite element approach | Click Here |
7 | Build Orientation Analysis for Minimum Cost Determination in FDM | Click Here |
8 | A novel rapid prototyping and finite element method based development of the patient specific temporomandibular joint implant | Click Here |
9 | Determination of build orientation of rapid prototyping (RP) components for optimum build time | Click Here |
10 | Study of Problems of Lower Back Pain of Two Wheeler Riders- A Critical Review | Click Here |
11 | Study & Analysis Of Implants Used In Human Body | Click Here |
12 | Optimization Of Municipal Solid Waste Management- A Literature Review | Click Here |
13 | Rapid Prototyping Assisted Fabrication of the Customized Metatarsophalangeal Joint Implant (SamKu): A Case Report | Click Here |
14 | Design and Optimization of piston using finite element analysis | Click Here |
15 | Design and Analysis of piston using finite element analysis | Click Here |
16 | Design of Two-Wheeler Seat: A Review | Click Here |
17 | Review of custom made implants | Click Here |
18 | Analysis of custom made implant using FEA | Click Here |
19 | A Review on Design and Analysis of Two Wheeler Chassis | Click Here |
20 | A Comparative Study on Structural Health of Bicycle Frame Using Finite Element Analysis- A Review | Click Here |
21 | Investigation on Design and Analysis of Two Wheeler Chassis | Click Here |
22 | A study on structural health of bicycle frame using Finite Element Analysis | Click Here |
23 | Design and analysis of a Mechanical Device to harvest energy from human footstep motion | Click Here |
24 | Integrated approach for fabrication of femur using rapid prototyping and casting | Click Here |
25 | Rapid Prototyping for Pattern Making | Click Here |
26 | A review on optimization of machining parameters for end milling operation | Click Here |
27 | Experimental investigation & analysis of machining parameters of CNC end milling operation: An overview | Click Here |
28 | Applied Taguchi method for fatigue testing of customized hip implant | Click Here |
29 | Gemba Management –A Novel Approach | Click Here |
30 | Personalized Implant of Femur Bone using Fused Deposition Modeling | Click Here |
31 | Conceptual Study on Customization of Femoral Bone using Rapid Prototyping | Click Here |
32 | Development of Mandible Joint using Rapid Prototyping Technology | Click Here |
33 | Emerging trends of problem solving techniques | Click Here |
34 | An air supported belt conveyor- A simulation model | Click Here |
35 | Business on the Net | Click Here |
36 | Build orientation analysis for complex shaped objects using fused deposition modeling process | Click Here |
37 | Optimization of cost and quality using management tool | Click Here |
38 | Application of Rapid Prototyping for development of Customized Prosthesis | Click Here |
39 | Customized Design Of Biomedical Parts Using Rapid Prototyping Techniques | Click Here |
40 | Analysis of fluid flow around a single stage turbine blade | Click Here |
41 | Electronics waste management- A literature review | Click Here |
42 | Parameter optimization of Milling Operation Using Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization and Artificial Neural Network | Click Here |
Sr.No | Portfolio Name | Start date | End date |
1 | In-charge Dean (T&P) | 2011-12-19 | 31/03/2012 |
2 | Dean-T&P | 2012-01-04 | 27/12/2012 |
3 | Dean-Academics | 2012-12-28 | 02/04/2014 |
4 | Dean-T&P | 2015-11-16 | Till Date |
5 | T&P Coordinator | 1999-01-12 | 30/10/2011 |
6 | BoS Chairman | 2012-01-09 | 31/08/2017 |
7 | IE(I) Divisional Convener | 2011-06-01 | 05/31/2013 |
8 | Class Teacher | 1998-07-01 | 31/05/2000 |
9 | TechKnow Experts | 2010-01-01 | 2014 |
10 | Member, Faculty of E&T | 2012-09-01 | 31/08/2017 |
11 | Member, Academic Council | 2012-09-01 | 31/08/2017 |
12 | Member, Equivalence Committee | 2012-09-01 | 31/08/2017 |
13 | Member, RRC of Production Engg | 2012-09-01 | 31/08/2017 |
14 | Purchase In-charge | 2007-01-01 | 2010 |
15 | In-charge, Free Elective Allotment Process | 2012-06-01 | Till Date |
16 | Member, Discipline Committee | 2012-05-01 | 11/30/2016 |
Course Material
Courses Material Link |
Not Available! |
Document Name | Actions |
Automation Engg | |
PPC | |
Robotics |
Other Professors

Chetan Ramlal Bundele
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Non conventional Energy System ,Manufacturing Process-I, Manufacturing Process-II,Manufacturing Technique,
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