Sanjay Deshmukh


Subjects Taught

Manufacturing Processes-2, Production Technology

Faculty Details

Qualification: M Tech (Prod) PhD

Teaching Experience: 24 Years

Industrial Experience: 0 Years

Area of Interest: Production Engineering

Papers Published: National :3, International : 8

Teaching: Mechanical Engineering Department

Contact: E-mail Mob. No. : 9403173297

Paper Published

Sr.NoPaper NamePaper Link
1A Review: Biodiesel from Castor & Karanja OilClick Here
2A Literature Review on Optimisation of Cutting Parameters for Turning Operation on Thermoplastic PolymerClick Here
3Improving material handling efficiency in a Ginning machine manufacturing companyClick Here
4Discovered inefficiencies in material handling and Alternatives for their improvement in a Ginning machine manufacturing companyClick Here
5Investigation of contact stress in spur gear using Lewis equation and Finite element methodClick Here
6Leakage testing of reverse sleeve yoke with PLC systemClick Here
7Implementation of Taguchi Technique on Heat Treatment Process of Spur GearClick Here
8Analysis of stent using finite element methodClick Here
9Dynamic analysis of cracks in composite clutch plateClick Here
10Use of coordinate measuring machine for point cloud data generation & CAD modellingClick Here
11Ergonomics in Bed DesignClick Here


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